How to Complete the Damage Report Form
Accidents happen, but insurance is there to help. To be able to file a claim, we will need a completed Damage Report of your accident. Please note that the Damage Report form required by the insurance company is in Finnish only.
1. We will send you a Damage Report form either by email or regular mail. Some information will already be filled in for you, such as the holder of the vehicle (Haltija) and, in some cases, information about the vehicle (Ajoneuvo).
2. Enter the details of the driver of the 24Rent vehicle in the Kuljettaja fields of the Oma ajoneuvo section. If the accident involves other parties, enter the other driver’s details in the Kuljettaja fields of the Vieras ajoneuvo section.
3. Fill in the details of the 24Rent vehicle in the Ajoneuvo fields. If you are unsure of any details, leave applicable fields empty. If the accident involves other parties, fill in all the required information about the other vehicle in full.
4. Mark the damage to the vehicle(s) by shading the applicable areas of the vehicle(s) in the Ajoneuvovauriot field.
5. Report all personal injuries in the Vahingon kärsineet fields of the Henkilövahingot section.
6. Create a drawing of the scene of the accident in the Piirros vahinkopaikalta grid. Include and name all streets and roads and mark the location and direction of the vehicles at the time of the accident. If there are any traffic signs at the scene, include them as well.
7. Describe the incident in the Miten vahinko tapahtui field. Do not estimate the amount of damage yourself, as this will be assessed by the Damage Inspector. If you are responsible for the damage, do not blame other parties. If you play down the amount of damage or fail to admit your part, compensation may be refused and you will be invoiced for all damages in full.
8. Report the date, time and place of the incident in the Aika, paikka ja olosuhteet fields.
9. Enter the name of the guilty party in the Syyllisyys field. If the person responsible accepts their guilt, check the kyllä box of the Myöntääkö hän syyllisyytensä field. If they do not, check the ei box. One of the boxes must be checked, otherwise the insurance company will refuse payment and all damages will be invoiced from you in full – deductibles do not apply.
10. Report if any of the involved parties were under the influence of alcohol in the Alkoholi fields. Also report any police involvement in the Poliisitutkinta fields.
11. Report the details of any eyewitnesses in the Todistajat fields.
12. Sign the Damage Report in the Allekirjoitukset fields. If other parties are involved, ask them to sign as well.
13. Send the Damage Report to us a scanned document through the site or by email. You can also send it by regular mail to the provided address. If you will be sending the document by regular mail, please let us know this through the site.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What if I don’t know when and where the damage occurred?
It is sometimes easy to miss the exact moment, but this does not absolve you of responsibility. If you are unsure about when and where the damage occurred, just enter “unknown” in the Tarkka vahinkopaikka field.
2. What if I can’t remember the exact details of the 24Rent vehicle, such as the registration plate?
You’ll find the details of the vehicle in the confirmation email we have sent you.
3. Do I need to print out the Damage Report form and sign it with a pen?
Yes, a handwritten signature is required.
4. Who must sign the Damage Report?
The Damage Report must be signed by the driver of the 24Rent vehicle. If another party is involved, the driver of the other vehicle must also sign the Damage Report.
5. What if I have more questions?
Please send your questions through the site. Using the site ensures that your questions are automatically linked to your reservation.